Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Remember the citizen initiative to bring attention to the crime issue here in Jersey City?

They have succeeded in getting two town hall-style meetings with Mayor Jerramiah Healy, Police Chief Tom Comey and several new detectives heading up the new Community Response Team.

Mayor Healy will no doubt get to double down on his "crime is not that bad the FBI says so" theme and tell residents, likely voting residents, it's all in the perception that roils from the media and the blogosphere. That could be a fun point of discussion. Or to a person who has had their house broken into and vandalized it DOES feel like a violent crime.

But back to the good of a citizen initiative. It's good this will be discussed openly and every question deserves an answer, not a spin answer. City council chambers, Thursday at 6pm, City Hall on Grove St.

280 Grove St.

Be there, Aloha.

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