Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mayor Fulop forgot Johnny's invitation to his Bill Clinton fundraiser

Either His Excellency Mayor Steve Fulop forgot Johnny's $2500 a plate fundraiser invitation for Fulop's 2017 re-election campaign, or more likely it's just lost in the mail.

Yep, former President Bill Clinton will be in Jersey City December 3rd at Liberty House. Unlike former Mayor Healy who supported President Obama from the get go, Fulop was a Hillary man. The Fulop invitation reportedly says that even if you can't attend you can still write Fulop a $10,000 check.

Yeah, right. If the Mayor can't be bothered to send Johnny an invitation to see The Big Dog (and Johnny HAS met with former President Clinton back in his Ypsilanti days) there's no way in hell he can expect a check just because he needs money. Fulop has a lot more to do and a lot more to prove before he can just expect donations to come pouring in. For instance not flip-flopping on borrowing money for city retirement costs would be a good start.

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