Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The construction workers leave at the end of each day but the trash remains

Yesterday we touched on why it took eleven construction workers to watch concrete get poured through a small tube. Today we'll discuss what they're doing when they're not standing around; They're littering. And littering. And littering. Why should they care? They don't ever live in the areas they come to work in. The cars parked haphazardly all around the neighborhood (that you'd be ticketed or towed for) tell you they commute in. They eat and drink on the job like so many Americans do. Can't work on an empty stomach. That being said imagine for one minute if you were allowed to toss your trash around your office or leave your garbage in your front yard like these pigs (no other word for it folks) do on a daily basis. Prescription pill bottles being tossed on the ground, beer bottles (whoooo boy that's one safe workplace when you start seeing the prescription pill and beer bottles lying around), food containers, Red Bull cans, Gatorade bottles etc etc etc. The residents of Jersey City really want to thank you assholes for your cavalier attitudes about where you go to work. Does it ever dawn on you workers that people live around where you're building more places for people to live? Johnny knows a rebranded PADNA, (Powerhouse Arts District Neighborhood Assn.), where these pictures were taken, has reached out to Councilwoman Candice Osborne. Shortly thereafter trash barrels appeared at construction sites. Fat lot of help that did as you can see in the pictures below.

Do we not fine construction companies for this kind of shit? Is the Jersey City council powerless to hold these clowns to SOME kind of standard? Is there not some kind of code enforcement officer Jersey City employs? Are they asleep at the wheel on this? It would appear the citizens in these construction-happy neighborhoods don't only have to put up with noise and closed roads from time to time but are also having to deal with construction worker garbage on a daily basis.

Boo on this to the lazy construction workers who can't put trash in a can or don't seem to try, and Boo on this to city officials who never seem to deal with an issue on anything more than a glossed-over way when it comes to construction crews.


Anonymous said...

Dude that's so nasty. People should pick up their trash!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Anonymous, Yes it is and yes they should.