Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This will probably not come as a surprise to anyone living in New Jersey

Governor Chris Christie has hit an all-time low in state history with his cool 19% approval rating. Yes those ten credit downgrades, defaulting on a deal he made himself with public unions, aligning himself with alt-right Nazi acolytes of Donald Trump, even becoming his cheerleader at the RNC Convention, more than likely outright lying about his dealings in Bridgegate while his cronies head off to jail, it's a real shocker isn't it?

Chris Christie and his policies have failed New Jersey and made him a laughingstock. For those of us here in Jersey City, Christie's greatest sin will always be not standing up for Jersey City and helping parrot Trump's lies about JC and 9/11 by not refuting them with all his gusto which we've all seen on display when he hears something he doesn't like. Gutless, to those in Jersey City he will always be gutless.

19%. Abject failure by our Republican governor.

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