Saturday, January 24, 2009

Famed Greenwich Village bakery now selling "drunken negro head" cookies

Wow, for a second there Johnny, we thought you said a bakery is selling cookies called "drunken negro heads".

Yep, that's EXACTLY what Johnny said. The owner of the Lafayette French Pastry bakery (featured on Sex in the City) is selling (or was until people were offended and the news media showed up on his doorstep) cookies he's calling "drunken negro heads' or last Tuesday, Inauguration Day they were called "Obama Heads". One patron said he dropped the word "nigger" into the discussion. Others said owner Ted Kefalinos made mention of the fact President Obama was trying to follow in President Lincoln's footsteps and actually said he'd wind up the same way; "He'll get his".

What does a "drunken negro head" cookie look like?

(image from the Gothamist website).

The website Gothamist has the full story, go check it out. We're wondering how some "Black eyed and broken nosed Kefalinos" cookies would look like. We're not advocating violence, we just wonder what they'd look like.


fultonphishmonger said...

Stupid libtard transplant douchebags and drunken (dat be rayciss)
negros are gonna be boycotting this fine upstanding Hellene, tell all
your Hellenic friends to buy coffee and pastries here. Show the damn
Transplants and their colored friends that they can't keep a good
Hellene down!

Unknown said...

watch full fox-interview with drunken negro head cookies creator watch fox interwiev here
In my this guy is crazy..

Johnny Action Space Punk said...


I appreciate your comment. We love all people commenting here, especially when English isn't their first language.

Yeah, I saw that, this guy is trying so hard to hide behind a very thin defense of being clever or creative. You can make the tastiest cookies in the world but if you're a jackass I still won't buy them...