Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Leona Beldini gets to keep her reservation for jail

Mayor Jerramiah Healy's former Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini tried, oh how she tried, to cancel her reservations to prison yesterday, but lost her bid. U.S. District Court Judge Judge Jose Linares tossed out all of Beldini's appeals on the charges she was recently convicted on, 2 counts of bribery. Beldini faces sentencing before Linares on June 14.

Leona, you'll simply have to email us here and compare the pancakes inside the county lock-up vs those at the Brownstone Diner where some of your malfeasance reportedly occurred. Yeah, that's it, you can be our new jail correspondent and or jail food critic. Shoot us an email, the people of Jersey City would no doubt love to know how jail will be working out for you.

Mmmmmmmm, jail flapjacks, made with love.

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