Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mayor Bloomberg is over in Merry olde England to get a look at how a surveillance society is run

Because apparently Mr. Bloomberg seems to think such a society is how he may want to run New York City. Cameras on every corner, people living in "freedom" under constant surveillance. Seems to be Mayor Mike's new mantra after the failed junior varsity car bomb failed to go off last weekend. Johnny walked right down Broadway last night on his way to Promises Promises and there were police cars in and around Times Square everywhere. Police standing around keeping a watchful eye everywhere. How much safer can you make it?

Newsflash to Mayor Bloomberg, these new cameras you'll soon be wanting to install everywhere (and will cost millions) are not going to stop ONE SINGLE ACT OF TERROR. Got that? Anybody willing to blow themselves up, anybody willing to drive a bomb laden car into a group of people, anyone willing to set one of these devices off cannot be stopped by camera. They can be stopped by wary citizens and police trained in what to look for. Cameras will do diddley-poo to STOP a terror attack. All the cameras will do is give CNN and MSNBC some excellent video of the actual attack to run every 5 minutes until people in Nebraska are ready to either pee their collective pants or surrender.

Better police training, possible barricades set up blocks from where a car could access say the New Year's Eve celebration and continued public vigilance will help stop acts of terror. Hell this last car bomb that never went off was discovered by a local citizen (A Muslim we might add) who pointed it out to police. There were cameras everywhere that car was left. Didn't stop shit-for-brains Faisal Shahzad from leaving it now did it?

Everytime the powers that be want to take away freedoms, citizens should get the pitchforks and torches and show the powers that be what terror really looks like.

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