Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So it would appear a lot of these cash cow red light ticket cameras were miscalibrated

Most red light cameras, nothing more than cash cows for local governments more concerned with making money on residents than protecting their safety, have been deemed by the state to have been miscalibrated as to the length of the yellow lights. 63 of the state's 85 red light city ATM's will have to be checked. ALL of them in Newark. And don't you love THIS:

In the meantime, the cameras will remain on. If the devices are found to be in compliance, violators would still be fined. If the traffic systems are not in compliance, DOT spokesman Joe Dee said, "we will shut down that camera."

So if they are right you STILL must pay. If they were indeed miscalibrated and you were wrongly given a ticket, you STILL have to pay. Way to go DOT. Way to just steal money.

So New Jersey citizens, are you sick of being robbed yet? Again, and we know we harp on this. Rise up and get rid of these things. You DO have the power. And where oh where is the Tea Party on this?

If you'd like a little more context as to what rip offs these cameras are read Mark Di Ionno's column from today's Star-Ledger.

Oh, and Jersey City, the Healy Administration brought them to our town, they want MORE in our town and if you're simply sick of this governmental overreach we're having an election next year for Mayor. Make sure you remember who set up these "deals" with the camera companies in the voting booth.

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