Saturday, March 30, 2013

Yes, it's Easter weekend, which is also gang initiation weekend

And if we remember about a year ago the New York Auto Show was overrun with wannabe gang members who then ran amok through Times Square assaulting, stabbing, and harassing the general public. Of course this goes back as far as 2006 when over 200 gang losers hit Times Square and stabbed three people. The NYPD says this is their top priority this weekend, protecting the auto show, Times Square and no doubt the subways. 

Of course the intelligence-addled gang members are at least smart enough to know police are looking for them this year so where might this stupidity turn up? Another borough? A specific spot in the city? Here's giving the NYPD a one evening pass on brutality claims that concern gang-related activities.

Is Jersey City on alert? Mayor Healy? Chief Comey? This should not happen in Jersey City. We have the resources, make sure this crap never happens here.

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