Saturday, March 23, 2013

You've heard of dog shaming? This morning Johnny is New York shaming

Johnny's out walking his dog to the river this morning (she loves the river). Look what he comes across. Two douchenozzles in a Dodge mommy van with New York plates (FSS-2598) emptying as much trash in, on and around a Jersey City provided trash can at Warren and Morgan St. as they could. Just dumping bags and boxes and all the while trying to look around to see if anyone was, you know, watching. Johnny could see what was happening and took out the trusty cell phone camera and it was amazing how fast they closed the back of the mommy van (with some trash still inside) jumped in and tried to zoom off as fast as a Dodge mommy van can't. So here's the mommy van at the scene then trying to make a guilty get-away.

So, why were you doing it guys? Too broke over there in your NY digs to afford trash pick up? Did your boss at the Burger King tell you to lose the trash as your on-site dumpster was full? We'd love to know.

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