Monday, July 27, 2009

Late night open thread

Bad teevee ads, we've all suffered through them. Johnny remembers a horrible late night low budget ad on the UHF channels in Detroit for a place called Miley and Miley Shrimp Shack. Detroit doesn't have the market on such ads cornered as we're about to see. If you've ever been to Chicago or spent any time in and around the Windy City you know of grocery store chain/meat wholesalers Moo & Oink. In what may well be a hall of fame badvertisement, here are Moo & Oink dancing while MC Low Budget DJ's this abomination of a commercial.

Gimme a wave if you like catfish...

Time for Jersey City, After Dark


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...


Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Moo & Oink all up in the hizzy!

Damn dude, can you get any more wings in that bag? I also love the half assed choreography, like where the person with the shopping cart simply marches on screen behind everyone.

Anonymous said...

"M & M, M & M Shrimp shack"
Was there more to the jingle or did they just keep grooning that over and over? On WGPR (where gods presence radiates).

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

No, it was just words, very urban sounding Miley and Miley Shrimp Shack. Used to see those right after the Singleton Cleaners ads...