Saturday, August 8, 2009

Get out your Jersey City corruption scorecards, it's time to dog a couple scofflaws this morning

L. Harvey Smith sat down for what they called an interview with The Jersey Journal in Friday's publication. Except, he sat down for his interview with his lawyer at his side which to us doesn't make it ANY kind of real interview, it was image rehab. Anytime you can't sit and openly and honestly answer any and all questions, that's not really an interview now is it? There are beauty pageant contestants answering questions more openly and honestly. L. (can we call you L.?), give up your Assemblyman seat. We the people (remember us?) need representation that isn't tainted. We need representation that isn't accused of taking $15K in bribes.

Here are a couple highlights from L.'s 'interview':

Do you think you're innocent of the charges? "I think so." THINK, he's THINKS he is, yikes.

Of course L. HAD to bring the Lord into the proceedings as all those accused of something do. Does anyone notice how steadfast Jeebus clings to those public officials accused of graft? Not just in Jersey City, in fact with all the corruption that just went on in the City of Detroit a local writer for the Detroit Free Press Bill McGraw made note of it in a fabulous article you can read here. Here's a sidenote to L.'s staged interview, the attorney sitting by his side, one Peter Wills, the one making sure he didn't attempt to answer the wrong questions also represents disgraced Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega. Awesome.

Now, onto the sad case of Florida/Jersey City resident and apparent taxpayer in Florida and Ward C Councilwoman Nidia Lopez. A judge has allowed Ward C candidate Norrice Raymaker to replace chief Lopez litigant and arrested and disgraced former city council candidate Jimmy King (we said get out your scorecard, you can't keep the corrupt folks in Jersey City straight without one) who is dropping out of his suit accusing Lopez of being an actual Florida resident. Hudson County Superior Court Judge Maurice Gallipoli is allowing Raymaker to in effect take over King's lawsuit to see if indeed Lopez has any business being a city council person in Jersey City while claiming Florida as her permanent residence. Imagine that. Lopez's attorney's didn't want Raymaker added to the suit because their client is a Jersey City resident and the case is nonsense, they didn't want her added because she waited too long to petition the court to be added. Nidia, (can we call you Nidia?) you need to go. Not for the same reasons that people like Healy, Vega, L., Leona Beldini and Boy Blunder in Hoboken have to go, but it's a hideous embarrassment to us all nonetheless. You don't even live here most of the time. Johnny is buying a condo here and you're taking tax breaks from and are registered to vote in Florida. Johnny is more qualified to be a city council person and he didn't even run. Go, go now.

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