Monday, August 24, 2009

Late night open thread

Cintra Wilson, get over yourself, we have.

The supposedly sharp witted poison tongued columnist took full aim at the new J.C. Penney in Midtown in her New York Times column a couple weeks ago and hurled invectives not only at Penney's but the clientele as well. Well the column turned out to be an epic fail on Wilson's behalf.

Well after readers were fully insulted and Penney's protested one of the NY Times top dogs Clark Hoyt weighed in with an apology and took Wilson to task. Bill Keller, the executive editor of The Times, was a tad embarrassed by it as well. Wilson walked her nastiest comments back, slowly, until she herself apologized.

Ya know, for someone who is supposedly a big name famous columnist, why would you take aim at such an easy target. You're supposed to be a little better at being the Critical Shopper than clubbing Penney's like a seal. Save the easy targets to clowns like Johnny, that's why bloggers like us exist, to whack the low hanging fruit.

If you want to hang out with us lowbrow shiftless 'columnists' the meetings are Tuesday nights at The Iron Monkey here in Jersey City. Bring your own vicodin, and Johnny's buying the first round of Jim Beam as always.

Time for Jersey City, After Dark

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