Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Jersey Giants and New Jersey Jets open thread--UPDATED

Now the Giants have a whopper of a game down in New Orleans that'll capture all the attention as it's for top spot in the NFC. The Jets are over in the Meadowlands today for a wet, cold, rainy slip slidin' away kinda game against the Shuffle Off to Buffalo Bills.

Johnny's not sure about the Giants chances but if the Cleveland Browns can beat the Buffalo Gals, then the J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS should win by two touchdowns, even in heinous weather.


Here's a question Jets fans need to answer. Can Mark Sanchez see colors? Can he differentiate between the two jerseys playing on the field? FIVE interceptions? FIVE? Sanchez had an 8.3 rating. That's beyond horrid. Who ever would have thought, after so many were ready to put Sanchez in the Hall of Fame after 3 games (YES YOU WERE) it'd be looking like the Browns would have won that deal on draft day?


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

When do the Jets play the Sharks?

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

When Natalie Wood says they play, don't hold your breath.


Without West Side Story they never would have had the talent available to make Twin Peaks...

Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

That's true. And his kid wouldn't have gone on to play a kid who could talk to God...

Saints applied the beat-down.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Beat down and then some