Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is a fine how-do-you-do, Newark man tries fixing up his neighborhood, and is fought at every turn

Not by the city mind you but by neighbors. Kevin Lewis is the kind of guy who moved to Newark because he saw something saveable in it. He moved there to make his stand and enjoy his new home. Kevin would like people to not drive like bats out of hell down his street, he'd like people to pick up their dog's leavings. His neighbors detest Kevin for these reasons and more. If he calls the police on a drug house, he gets harassed. In fact it's become so bad that the neighborhood losers aren't JUST taking it out on Kevin's house by writing 'nigger' on it, no they've decided people who talk with Kevin or heaven forbid try to help him clean up the neighborhood are having their cars vandalized.

The entire sordid story is here and if you have any suggestions on how to help Kevin fight back leave them in comments and we'll try to pass them along...


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

What a shame. The sad part is he'll probably end up leaving or something worse will happen. Newark needs more of this kind of guy!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

You bet they do, they need a LOT more of his type