Thursday, April 1, 2010

National Parks Department--Statue of Liberty to be lifted, turned one quarter turn

The National Parks Department (hopefully not the one run by Amy Poehler on teevee) has decided that the Statue of Liberty is to be lifted one quarter turn and face lower Manhattan and not Brooklyn any longer. The Parks Department isn't saying exactly why Lady Liberty is going to be lifted and turned but we have a pretty good idea it's because the big wheels in southern Manhattan want a better view.

Oddly, Johnny is OK with this as it will allow a far better view of the Statue of Liberty from his roof, she'll be almost facing him.

Hard cheese Brooklyn, Lady Liberty is about to turn away from you.


Anonymous said...

and are taxpayer dollars going to be used??? apparently the brainstorming going on in the executive offices don't have much else to do these days.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Come now anonymous--today is April 1st and thankfully they are not moving the Statue of Liberty one inch.

I love April Fools Day