Monday, August 8, 2011

Late night open thread

We'll dedicate this one to all the good boys and girls in London, Tottenham and elsewhere who have simply had enough of the way things are. Stand up to oppression, burn a couple cars and bust a few windows a year away from the Olympics showing up in your town and you have a bargaining chip.

Time for Jersey City, After Dark


Anonymous said...

I LOVE how those Londoner's are standing up. I wonder if they are going to take down that money-sucking empire also known as the British Monarchy that does nothing for them??

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

No kidding, and the media simply just believes everything they are told by the police and government and report out what they are being told. Nobody is asking WHY these riots started. They aren't interviewing anybody from the other side.

I really think the Arab Spring (people like the BBC applauded) is moving to the Christian lands now (Where the BBC will try to stop it)...