Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where are major mayoral candidates falling short in their duty to Jersey City residents? Red light cameras

We already know where Mayor Healy, who brought these thieving abominations to our fair city, stands. The Mayor has drunk the revenue Kool-Aid. He's even got his lackeys out spewing half-truths and downright un-truths.

First off the FACTS about the cameras; they lead to MORE accidents and are often mistimed to trap drivers. Again, FACTS.

Now to hear Healy spokesperson Joshua Henne tell it, you'd think none of the facts Johnny just posted was true:

“Studies show that these safety cameras lower the number of red-light running violations and decrease the most deadly collisions commonly attributed to red-light running..."

Sorry Joshua, you look really bad repeating your crap when Google can quickly show otherwise. But hey, you guys are addicted to the money, yes? Safety's got nothing to do with it. It must be the money. One follow up if we may Joshua, what percentage of the ticket money does American Traffic Solutions take?

OK, so let's listen to the supposed newer and more sensible guy running for mayor. Certainly HE will have an opinion, perhaps different from the guy holding the job he wants.

We're waiting on a call back on that. And waiting.

If Johnny were in charge these things would be gone tomorrow. He'd point out yet again with the use of facts they're never about safety. He'd then have to cover the stupid agreement the city signed to pay a penalty to their American Traffic Solutions paymasters if they end the agreement early. It'd be money well spent. Put police back out on the streets. What's that? We don't have the manpower? Funny, when Occupy Wall Street sent a handful of protesters over to the Goldman Sachs building Jersey City suddenly had hundreds of extra cops, some in boats. It's not money strapping us friends, it's Mayor Healy's priorities.

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