Sunday, February 22, 2009

And finally on Oscars weekend, Johnny's favorite of all time

Yep, the Wizard of Oz. Young or old, it doesn't matter, this movie simply for Johnny's money is the best movie ever made. Now, first off it's the ONE movie we've ALL seen. It is the film that binds us all. Maybe not everyone has seen other choices we've laid out here and a few we've touched on in clips since December when we got this crazy site going. You may not have seen 'V for Vendetta' or 'Slapshot' or 'The Sting' or 'The Lord of the Rings' movies. We've all seen the Wizard of Oz. We all still watch it when it comes on every so often. It's magic, and who can forget the amazing black and white to color shift, still to this day the most amazing yet simple special effect in all of Hollywood history. It's also the first movie we see as kids where things might not go the way we want them to. It's the first movie kids see where things become scary and evil. Lots of people mention their fear of the flying monkeys in this flick, for Johnny it was always the tornado scene that scared him. He knew there were no flying monkeys, growing up in the midwest, he'd heard the tornado sirens and seen the tornado warnings on the teevee.

Without further ado, the tornado scene from The Wizard of Oz

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