Thursday, August 6, 2009

Late night open thread

Tonight this blog, along with a gazillion others, will have clips of a John Hughes film he either directed or was the screenwriter for. His influence on people Johnny's age is immense and seemingly neverending. The classic films, the lines Johnny still uses (even here) from said films is a labor of love. Nobody in Hollywood connected with Johnny's generation better than John Hughes. A lot of lines from Hughes' films have become everyday expressions in the American vernacular. Not many in the film business can say that.

We mourn his sudden passing with what else? Clips of his work...

National Lampoon's Vacation (note a very young Jane Krakowski with her arm in the Kool-Aid jar)

Planes Trains & Automobiles (A line Johnny loves to use while traveling: "Lessen you're a hog or a cattle")

Weird Science

Time for Jersey City, After Dark


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

So many imminently quotable lines...