Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Caleb Holmes of Jersey City, we say thank you for your actions

For those of you who aren't familiar with Caleb's bravery, he and a couple friends came to the defense of three women in a Hoboken park who were being harassed by Mario Gerges who began hurling expletives at the women when they paid him no mind. Then Gerges grabbed one of the women's dresses to keep her from walking away. At this point Mr. Holmes and a couple of his well meaning and chivalrous friends told Gerges to stop harassing the women. It was at this point that Gerges and his cohort Ehab Habib challenged the good samaritans to a fight.

Mr. Holmes obliged and beat down Gerges like a bad habit at one point breaking a bottle over his head. See what happens when you write checks with your mouth your body can't cash Mr. Gerges?

Gerges, Habib, and sadly Holmes were arrested with Holmes being charged with aggravated assault.

Mr. Holmes, you did the right thing. Good for you and your friends not to allow bullies like Gerges and Habib to have the run of the streets. Whatever happens with your case going forward, know there are honorable men among you that think what you did was spot on.

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