Monday, July 19, 2010

So disgraced former assemblyman Lou Manzo says Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan lacks integrity

OK, now that you have wiped the coffee off of your computer screen and keyboard after hearing Manzo claim ANYBODY lacks integrity, let's expound. Lou Manzo, who right now is facing several felony counts from the graft arrests last summer chimed in because he thinks for whatever reason Kagan's elevation to the Supreme Court in some small way impacts his own case. Yeah, we should do more of that as a nation, stop adding Supreme Court Justices or Federal Jurists because people like Lou Manzo see an advantage in their felony charged lifestyle.

Johnny used to be Manzo's neighbor in that they lived in the same building when Johnny moved here. After news of Manzo's alleged criminal enterprises where he turned potential office into an ATM it was all Johnny could do to not go upstairs and leave a message about his graft on Manzo's nose. Now, after hearing this utter crap, he wishes he would have. Johnny is just too damned nice sometimes.

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