Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The truth is stranger than fiction in Raritan Township

Johnny would love to find a book that complies the oddest and head scratching police vehicle stops and exactly what they found. In Raritan Township police saw Jose Paneto transporting a passenger not wearing a seat belt. He was also stopped as he had items obscuring his view of the road. Fair enough. Stops like this happen all the time.

Except when they don't.

Upon further inspection they saw just WHAT was blocking his view, fireworks and lots of them. The back of Paneto's car was stuffed with fireworks. It turns out it wasn't the fireworks that really got Paneto in dutch. It was the fact his two sons were buried/hiding under the pile of fireworks. Much like in the World Cup intentionally hitting the ball with your hand gets you a red card, having your children travel under a pile of some of the most flammable materials will get you the child endangerment charge. Paneto was also charged with obstructed view and failure to use child restraint when required.

This is my son 'Black Cat' and my other son 'Super Screaming Whistler with Report'.

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