Monday, August 16, 2010

Staten Island either has a race issue or a gang problem

Recent attacks on Hispanic and Mexican immigrants which they claim are racially motivated have Staten Island so not enjoying a long hot summer.

Isaias Lozano who was one of the attack victims claims indeed it was racially motivated:

"They hate us because we're Mexicans," he said while sitting at El Centro del Inmigrante, a center for immigrant day workers. "They aren't robbing just anybody."

Thus far there have been 11 attacks counted on Staten Island so far this summer but not everyone is convinced they are racially motvated by gang related:

Staten Island resident David Johnson said the attacks are more than likely gang related. Johnson blamed the incidents on drug addicts looking to rob people for cash to feed their habits. "They would do that to anybody," he said. "To jump toward bias issues is out of whack."

Racial instability has plagued Staten Island since at least 2003 when 21 day laborers were attacked with one being murdered in 2005.

Whether it's gang related or racially motivated Staten Island has work ahead of it. No doubt a comprehensive immigration policy would help allay SOME fears of the day laborers meeting up during the day at some places across Staten Island but it will be exceedingly difficult to really tell if these are drug related gang attacks or actual racist attacks.

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