Monday, May 16, 2011

Wanted: One ark to loan

Hudson County and the surround including ALL of New Jersey is under a flood watch and it's only going to get worse through Wednesday.

We'll be getting rain and intermittent thunderstorms after the fog clears out this morning while Tuesday and Wednesday we could receive 2" of rain EACH day. So if you own an ark that's just sitting in your acre size garage, today might be a good day to get out there and sell tickets.

Of course if the flooding gets too high make sure to drop by Jersey City Hall and get your canoe which of course is part of Mayor Healy's 'Free canoes when it floods bad program'.


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

Hey Johnny - did the Wellies with the Jersey City Desk logo emblazoned on them come in yet? Put them in a storefront and you're gonna make a mint!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

That's actually not a bad idea. Really not a bad idea. Except for that picture I use on the front page won't fit on a boot.

Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

You could put a wombat on the side - they'd sell like hotcakes.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

I'll have my attorney A. Shyster draw up the papers

Liz Bullok said...

There is no need to worry such that every thing would be fine very soon. And as the whether is going to clear very soon. There are very less chances of floods in that region. And you can organize your plan in better way.