Tuesday, May 5, 2009

OK, some people REALLY need to get over themselves

Melissa Skabich of Cedar Grove is going to have a baby. Congratulations. We're very happy for you. But ya know Melissa, LOTS of women have babies. You'd never know this because Melissa wants everyone besides her family and friends who are connected to Twitter to know because she's planning to 'tweet' (when you post something on Twitter you are 'tweeting') all the details of her birth. You read that right, she thinks everyone wants and or needs to know the details of everything that is going on, or that it's simply interesting enough for her to share. It's social media run amok. "Look at me look at me, you're not listening to me, I have things to say 24/7 about my life and you're not paying enough attention to me", is about where we're at with Twitter. When people think you can't live without simple updates as to their lives, or think they're interesting enough that people need to know, it's the height of narcissism.

Is Melissa doing this because she can? She's in PR and no doubt thinks it's a cool and clever experiment in social networking. Perhaps the result of the experiment is people finally say "Who cares" or "Too much information" or "Attention diva".

It's moments like these with social networking tools like Twitter where we see an image from the old social media of television where Fonzie jumped a shark.


Anonymous said...

I've heard that Twittering can be used for USEFUL purposes BUT the facebook and twittering is just getting plain out of hand. People must be just bored out of their minds to engage in all the posts they are making.

Congrats to Melissa, but who gives a crap. a TON of women give birth everyday and they are involved in themselves with their families for sucha a grand event and not wanting to share every detail with the world.

It shows the young people today only are involved in one thing, themselves.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

You should have written this post, you expressed my sentiments better than I did!

Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

I don't get either Facebook or Twitter. And I'm sick of people telling me I should be into it. No, if I want to tell you something I can email you or call you! I don't need to broadcast to the world...