Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, there's really a show called "The Real Housewives of New Jersey"? How thrilling

Seriously, "The Real Housewives of New Jersey"? And people watch something like this? It's on Bravo apparently, the home to shows where people somehow feel better about their lives watching other people's train wrecks. Who on this earth would have the slightest bit of interest in other women in New Jersey other than themselves and their friends and their day to day goings on? Johnny sees shows like this get airplay, and other shows with 'Real Housewives' in the name or any reality show for that matter and shakes his head. Is your life THAT devoid of interest you spend time watching other people live their lives?

While Johnny thinks shows like 'Survivor' or 'The Biggest Loser' are sad and pathetic in and of themselves at least they have a contest angle. Just spending time watching other people's lives falls into the things one regrets on a deathbed category.


Anonymous said...

Johnny, you are completely right.

the reality show genre has completely gotten out of control and I can't figure out whether or not television shows themselves are just dying out or could it be that the writers of such shows are being lazy?

I'm missing shows like Dallas or Melrose Place anymore. Reruns of those are better than a stupid reality anytime.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Thank you anonymous. It's my opinion these shows are CHEAP as hell to put on the air which is why there are so many.

They don't need to hire writers, they don't pay the 'actors' and can simply put on ANY 'reality' idea they crap out.

If you have a litter of 8 kids at one time--here's your show. Do you fish for crab in Alaska? Here's a show. Do you cut down trees? Here's your show.

As for the contest reality shows? They're pretty much rigged. Read the ending credits. THE PRODUCERS RESERVE THE RIGHT to _______________, therefore they can fix the outcomes to meet their ad budgets. Is the antagonistic vile person on Project Runway the best designer or do they make people the maddest so they keep tuning in to see them get eliminated?

What a tremendous waste of time, especially when PBS has things called documentaries that do follow real people in their lives as they REALLY happen. HBO right now has a brilliant documentary on real people's lives in China who lost children in the shoddily built schools in the earthquake last year. They follow parents who try to get answers and justice in a Communist repressive regime and are turned back at every turn. But the producer can't fix an outcome where someone can lose 150 pounds all while whining about their personal trainer so Americans miss real human drama of important issues.

Anonymous said...

another nasty SIDE EFFECT of such reality shows is that the so-called "actors" THINK that once they do such a show, they are some kind of celebrity.

there is nothing worse than a wannabe, when the actual actor that has earned the REAL accolades.

The whole entertainment industry should be embarrassed to be associated with such garbage.

When the reality show first showed, it might have been interesting, but when there is nothing else on, thats just a shame.

I guess we are all doomed to reruns or good documentaries like you mentioned Johnny.

Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

Wasn't this show on already? And wasn't it called 'The Sopranos?' Carmela, Rosalie, Adriana, Janice - that's a pretty damn good representation.

And dog on reality shows if you must but I will never never no not ever give up my Amazing Race. Best show EVER.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Trixie, I'm more worried that the producers can change the outcomes to help the jerks along week to week. Yes, the Amazing Race DOES show cool places on the map but there is that whole producer infuence possibility.