Saturday, March 21, 2009

Big Brother is watching in Hoboken, and the Hoboken City Council is OK with that

The Hoboken City Council asked for, and received permission to install "Red Light Running Automated Enforcement pilot program" cameras for stoplights at 14th Street and Willow Avenue. These are the kinds of cameras that take pictures of motorists who might be skating through red or yellow lights and issue citations through the mail.

Now the Hoboken City Council has said no decisions have been made as to install the cameras. They'll need to discuss if they really want to spy on drivers. Guess what, they're going to do this. If they were going to do it for safety reasons, they'd have said YES instantly. If the TRUE idea was for safety, they'd have made this a done deal right now. If it was REALLY about safety they'd have made significant changes to the intersection by now. No, citizens, the REAL reason this would be done is money. Cold hard ticket money. Imagine the power to raise revenue by doing nothing. That's what this is really all about. Cash in the coffers.

Wait and see, they'll pass this and they'll say it's all about safety, and they'll be lying through their teeth.

And uh, Mayor Healy and the Jersey City Council, don't get any ideas or we'll rain holy hell down upon you. Big Brother, at least to most thinking people, is a BAD idea.

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