Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sounds like Mayor Healy might be a little chicken

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy is ducking the first mayoral debate scheduled for April 1 at the Loew's Theater. Healy had some crap-assed excuse about this not being a fair and unbiased debate which, where Johnny comes from is another word for chicken. The other mayoral candidates will be there, they see no problem answering debate questions by the radical and biased TV host Pat O'Melia, Political Insider Agustin Torres, Jersey Journal columnist Earl Morgan and writer Ricardo Kaulessar of the Jersey City Reporter. Yeah, smart reporters with REAL questions. We can see why Healy would be dodging such an event. They might ask him about his record or something. They might ask him about the rampant crime going on. You know, questions that Healy doesn't want to answer in a televised forum in downtown Jersey City.

The mayoral candidates who WILL be attending are Lou Manzo, Assemblyman L. Harvey Smith, Dan Levin, and Phil Webb.

The Jersey City Desk should hope the organizers would put a big empty chair with a sash that says MAYOR on in that can cluck answers when asked.


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...


Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Damn straight it is. Healy seems afraid of serious competition and hard questions. Maybe all the drunken behavior would be brought up.

*In 1999, he and his wife were arrested at their home in Bradley Beach and eventually pleaded to disorderly persons charges.

* In 2004, as a councilman, he was photographed on his porch nude after a night of drinking

* in 2006 a municipal court judge found the mayor of Jersey City guilty of obstructing justice and resisting arrest in a clash with a police officer a little more than a year ago

Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

Maybe if they told him he could be nude and have a cocktail he'd be more comfortable...

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Our Mayor, Mayor Nude