Monday, March 9, 2009

But Jersey City could stand to be more like Rome and Istanbul

There is a movement afoot to tackle Jersey City's feral cat problem. A local resident wants to educate city residents on how to catch and neuter feral cats or the city could wind up with tens of thousands of them. Hasn't she seen Rome or Istanbul, beautiful international cities and hubs of travel and industry? Besides, think of it, rats and mice on a steep decline. Let's not be so hasty to get rid of the kittehs, lest we raise the ire of, oh, Johnny doesn't even want to say it. He fears the outcome of attacking the feral cat problem could raise the ire of something so beastly, and so evil he dare not speak it's name. Jersey City, if we do this the Giant Space Cat Head with laser beams for eyes of Ypsilanti could find it's way here and begin avenging Jersey City residents.

We simply cannot risk it. Let the kitteh's be...


Trixie Junior Space Punk said...

We can only pray the benighted fools heed your call, Johnny. That's something no one wants to see...

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

They dabble with pure evil